Devlopment Update + Ether Monster Properties

Hello there,

Since our last post, we want to share our progress on the "Ether Chronicles" game.

We want to share some information on the "Ether Monsters" themselves.

Skill Customization: Each Ether Monster has eight skill slots that players can freely customize. There are different types of skills, such as physical skills, ether skills, and abilities.  Physical skills and abilities cost Focus Points (FP), while Ether skills cost Ether Points (EP). Players can tailor their monsters’ movesets to suit their preferred battle style or adapt to specific challenges. 

Eight skill slots per Ether Monster.

 Ether Monsters are capable of holding more than one item. This adds to the customizability of your monsters by giving them unique properties like reflecting an ether attack at the opponent and stat changes.

Ether Monsters can hold up to five different types of items to use in battle.

Items & Ether Crystals: Ether Monsters can hold special items and Ether Crystals to enhance their combat abilities:

  • Held Items: These provide various passive benefits, such as reflecting magic or boosting speed during battle.
  • Ether Crystals: These rare, mystical objects can be equipped to monsters, granting them stat increases or additional effects that may influence battle outcomes. Different Ether Crystals affect monsters uniquely, adding more variety to building your Ether Monster team.
  • Summary screen

    The Status Screen provides a detailed overview of each Ether Monster, showing key information such as stats, abilities, equipped items, and Ether Crystals. Players will also be able to see the elemental affinities of their monsters and the likelihood of certain status ailments afflicting them.

  • That is the progress we have made so far. Ether Monsters are very customizable creatures that you can build however you like!

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